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RV-9A: Top Skins and Baggage Area - 5/20/2009
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Started work on the Aft DeckStarted work on the Aft Deck
Time to rivet the F-711D angle to the F-711 Bulkhead. This angle piece was left unriveted from long time ago so the outside skin could be riveted to the longerons. I just love these small rivet sets that I got from Averys. They allow me to use my pneumatic squeezer even on these really long rivets.
Made the F-710C and F-711E spacers that go under the Aft DeckMade the F-710C and F-711E spacers that go under the Aft Deck
I found the material to make the F-711E spacer but couldn't find the material to make the F-710C. I checked some other builders websites and they couldn't find the material either. Crap... It just so happens that I had a hunk of AS3-125 that was left over from previous boo-boo where I had to reorder some of that particular material.
Time to level the fuselageTime to level the fuselage
The RV Gods must have been with me! To level the forward fuselage all I needed was a 1/32" shim under the small sawhorse on one side to get it level.
Dude! Check this out!Dude! Check this out!
It's pretty pitiful for a man in his fifties to say "Dude", so I blame that on my 13 year son. Anyway... "Dude, Check this out!" The first fit of the aft deck and it's level! I need to go buy a lottery ticket.
TIme to drill and cleco!TIme to drill and cleco!
I got a brand new drill bit and starting drilling the holes. Tomorrow I will take it apart and deburr, paint and rivet the aft deck on.
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