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RV-9A: Tail Feathers - 3/28/2010
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Made the rudder stopsMade the rudder stops
I can why people just ignore building these things and just go with some of the delron rudder stops made by Jeff Bordelon. I messed up the first set and had to made another pair. I clamped them on to the fuselage so I drill all the holes.
All riveted onAll riveted on
All the holes in the stop have to countersunk, but 2 of them can't be countersunk using the micro-countersink. I have to do a make-shift countersink with my deburring tool. It turned out OK, but just seemed a little weird doing it that way. Complaint number 2 -- It is almost impossible to get to the 2 aft rivets with a squeezer. I managed to so, but it ain't purdy. Did I mention Jeff Bordelons delron rudder stops?
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